Gabriella Alvarez, PhD

  • Research Assistant Professor

Education & Training

  • BA, Washington University in St. Louis
  • PhD, The University of North Carolina Chapel Hill

Research Interest Summary

Health Neuroscience, Health Inequities, Psychoneuroimmunology

Research Interests

My research program investigates (1) the neural and inflammatory mechanisms linking social inequality to health; and (2) in the other direction, how physiological states of the body (i.e., inflammation) feedback to the brain to impact social and affective processes.


Representative Articles:

Muscatell, K., Alvarez, G., Bonar, A., Cardenas, M., Galvan, M., Merritt, C., Starks, M., (2022). Brain-Body pathways linking racism and health. American Psychologist.


Alvarez, G., Rudolph, M., Cohen, J., Muscatell, K. (2022) Lower socioeconomic position is associated with greater activity and integration within an allostatic-interoceptive brain system in response to affective stimuli. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience.


Alvarez, G. & Muscatell, K.A. (2021). A cultural neuroscience perspective on socioeconomic disparities in global mental health. Invited chapter Handbook of Cultural Neuroscience and Global Mental Health.


Alvarez, G., Hackman, D., Miller, A.B., & Muscatell, K. (2020). Systemic inflammation and neural reactivity to affective images. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience.


Accepting Graduate Students

